Calpendo Enterprise, our solution for organisations with multiple facilities

Why Calpendo Enterprise?

Calpendo was born out of a necessity for an effective facility management system. Over the years, we observed our clients' need to share resources, projects, and users across multiple facilities, a process which was not scalable within a single Calpendo system. This led to the development of Calpendo Enterprise, a federated system where multiple independent Calpendo installations are interconnected.

Calpendo Enterprise is designed to cater to institutions of all sizes, from small faculties to large institutions, with each system harnessing the extensive automation and customization capabilities of Calpendo. It offers the freedom to share resources with other facilities while maintaining full control.

What is Calpendo Enterprise?

A Calpendo Enterprise federation comprises a minimum of three distinct Calpendo installations, or 'shards', which function as a unified system. Each shard serves a single facility. We also provide a complimentary 'top-level' shard for consolidated reporting and other enterprise management needs. This design allows multiple facilities, each with a unique research focus, to work together.

Our support and configuration team designs and implements common features and data structures across the federation. Each shard can further be customized with specific processes, rules, and automation to meet individual needs.


Resources, projects and users can remain local to a facility or shared with one or more shards. This enables your users to access and book resources across multiple sites within a single calendar.

Enterprise principles


We recognize the need to protect access to important instrumentation. Hence, Calpendo Enterprise supports top-tier booking rules, allowing you to retain control over your resources even when shared.


With Enterprise, new facilities can be added seamlessly, inheriting the federation's structures and rules while also having the capability for additional rules and data. This ensures that your Enterprise system can grow without limitations.

Live demonstration

Our CEO Paul has recorded a short demonstration of some of the key functionality within Enterprise.

For a longer demonstration and discussion about Enterprise click below to request an online meeting.